Another whirlwind of activity way away from the blog, and very little inspiration is left in its wake. Yet, there are still a few gems:
Dear friends of Mr. FH's & mine, a husband and wife team (who sweated blood and tears to produce a fabulous documentary film) just received word that their film has been accepted to premiere at one of the top U.S. independent film festivals. (Details will remain anonymous until I get the word from them that it's okay to publicize on the blog.)
It's the culmination of a dream come true - they envisioned this film, wrote it, shot it, edited it, have marketed the hell out of it - and finally, average people will fork over hard earned money to view it on a big screen. It's a colossal creative baby that was birthed - a truly remarkable vision captured on film that will finally get the wider audience it so richly deserves.
I have a huge respect for these immensely creative minds who so eagerly and lovingly send a creative child out into the cruel cold world armed mostly with the grandest of hopes, but also shielded with the resilience of truth and passion.
In my more restricted universe, I sweat and worry about submitting a post of mine to a Carnival - yet this glorious pair trump my offerings in their enormity.
But I'm getting better with sending my own creative babies out to the wider world - I've submitted a recent post to the 2nd Big Fat Carnival, found here (and I should be better at code/linkey bits but after two hours of deciphering forgive me for not linking properly - here's the url so I'm thinking it's a copy & paste job, and I'm sorry for the extra work)
Please do read through the list, as it proves to be very interesting and provocative, and a list of posts I'll spend the next few days reading and thinking about.
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