Tuesday, September 05, 2006

In Which Our Heroine Is Speechless With Rage

Right now I feel like a bubbling inchoate mass of anger directed towards the current Administration - the mess! It never ends! And I find myself asking the age old question, "Who's going to clean this up?".

The recent presidential speeches about continuing "terror" (since Bush continues to find terrorists under every bed, it seems) is more fuel dumped daily on an already simmering Madame Fresh Hell.

Just today, the White House released the National Strategy for Combating Terrorism - national strategy, terror, blah blah blah, which Uses A Great Many Capital Letters Similar to Victorian Novels; To Highlight Importance Or Merely Sound Victorian, I Cannot Tell.

There are too many key points to parse in this post, but what I take away from the press release (Thanks a pantsload, Republicans) is that I Ought To Dig In, As This War Is Guaranteed To Last My Lifetime.

Or until someone takes a potshot with a nuclear warhead, whichever comes first.

It is to weep.


Blogger kaz said...

Yes, it is to weep. It has been many years since I read Alan Paxton's novel "Cry, the Beloved Country," but his title often comes to mind, demanding as it does that we cry for what our country has become under the bellwether (judas goat) leadership of this administration.

Like you, I wonder at the level of hatred that prevails at the same time I question whether it is actually hatred or perhaps indifference or a misplaced sense of superiority, or a desire for absolutism or perhaps just the nadir of ignorance.

It all demands that we remember how to laugh. Yet, that need has enough similiarity to the idea of Nero fiddling while Rome burned as to be a cautionary tale in itself.

3:32 PM  

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