Thursday, December 15, 2005

Hilarious and Very Wrong Christmas Gifts I've Actually Received

1. Oversized bathrobe, striped in turquoise and white, which appeared to be made out of troll-doll hair; wearing it, I looked like an enormous creamsicle.

2. Homemade brownies/cookies wrapped loosely in used foil, rolling around untethered in a too-large box.

3. Sheer white cotton jumpsuit, complete with chunky 80's style shoulder pads and self belt, presented in 1995.

4. Oversized sweatshirt embroidered with a cartoon drawing of a pig, received when I was 34.

I'm sure there's more - these were hands down the most memorable in their sheer awfulness.


Blogger kaz said...

Hah! Certainly those were way 'wrong' past gifts, primarily because they were personal (except the yucky food which was merely lazy).

The worse one I ever received was from someone who thought they knew the 'real me.' It was one of those bass plaques where a movement sensor made the fish about tacky. Like I would hang it in my home? I wouldn't hang something that absurd in my basement, garage or attic - or even in an old fashioned out house!!!

6:40 PM  
Blogger Miliana said...

The tragic [yet, still, oddly, hysterical to me] part is that ALL of these gifts were given to me by a very close family member.

Go figure, eh?

And Kaz...that thump you hear is me falling off my chair laughing that anyone would actually give you one of those singing bass things - bwah. So much for knowing the "real you." I think not, Mr. Holmes!

6:53 PM  

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