Monday, September 25, 2006

To The Genius I Can't Read, or Damn You Blogger

Rumor has it that commenting has been difficult lately. According to the tiny robots of blogger, this has all been resolved.

Harumph. Don't believe that for a second, do you? Well, neither do I. According to my loyal and extraordinarily small group of readers, I have been missing various gems from the treasure chests of their prodigious minds (I know - I want to know what I'm missing as well.)

Damned if I can find a place to connect with a blog bot and ask the question.

I may have to [gasp] actually pay for the right to pour my drivel onto the information highway, or alternatively [double gasp] live without comments.

Unfortunately, our moment of blog silence is continuing - hopefully more very soon - but of course, you can't comment on it so how thrilling is the news that I won't be able to write for a little while yet? And so this snake swallows its own tail yet again.


Blogger kaz said...

Apparently they've fixed the problem. Unfortunately, too much water under the proverbial bridge at this point to remember all those cogent comments lost in the Bermuda Triangle of Blogger's cyberspace. Dang. And they were such wonderful comments, too.

12:48 PM  
Blogger kaz said...

Apparently they've fixed the problem. Unfortunately, too much water under the proverbial bridge at this point to remember all those cogent comments lost in the Bermuda Triangle of Blogger's cyberspace. Dang. And they were such wonderful comments, too.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Miliana said...

Thanks a pantsload Stoic - you will be comfort to me in my old age.

And Kaz - still waiting for that book, doncha know! I've considered writing comments in word and cutting and pasting when i had troubles elsewhere. It's a thought.

5:55 PM  

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